And how Farmbot products can play a role in maintaining water security on your farm.

“Be Prepared”
While this may be an oft repeated mantra in most industries, when dealing with drought and other natural disasters it becomes something easier said than done. The QLD government is working with suppliers and producers to help farmers create a plan to be prepared for drought. As often as QLD farmers are afflicted by drought the damage comes at a massive cost to farmers.
Farmbot offers systems to help monitor water levels in order to be prepared for these times. Applying for the current Drought preparedness scheme gives applicants the chance to receive up to %25 percent (up to $50,000) off Farmbot systems as well as other productss to increase drought preparedness.
The Drought Preparedness Scheme is a co-contributor grant to assist primary producers to be able to mitigate the risks of drought and to plan ahead for this ever-looming natural disaster. The QLD government is granting up to $50,000 to primary producers to undertake programs that will assist in their drought preparedness. To learn more about the grant itself click this link: Drought Preparedness Grants | Queensland Rural and Industry .
To be eligible, primary producers must have a “farm business resilience plan”. To learn more about the “Farm Business resilience plan program follow this link; Farm Business Resilience Program | Business Queensland . The project must not have commenced before grant approval and producers have to be able to fund %75 of the cost of the project and submit to necessary regulatory approvals before applying.
Eligible products from Farmbot include the Farmbot Monitor which provides remote monitoring of water thanks, dams, bores, and other water retention means with real-time insights. The Farmbot lite, a monitoring solution for smaller operations designed to monitor individual water tanks. Rain gauges, pump controls, trough monitors, and water flow sensors.
Tara Rural Supplies is a supplier of farm bot products. Give us a call at (07) 4665 3366 to order yours.
To apply or learn more about the grant and how Farmbot can help in your drought preparedness plan you can do so by clicking the banner below.