Canola has long been a staple in southern states, however it is worth considering for this years' planting for our region in the coming months.
Pioneer Seeds has a couple great varieties in their selection of quality seed available from Tara Rural Supplies and Condamine Seeds & Tyres. PY421C and 44Y94CL have been tested in Dulacca, Dulacca South (Melon Hole Country) as well as Chances plains. These varieties are perfect for planting during the March to early April window.
Canola is a great option for grass control. With a greater window for use of Clethodim and Haloxyfop and with the increase in February rain giving rise to grass growth, it is worth considering this benefit of Canola. Canola’s broad leaves make it possible to use grass herbicide for longer with greater options.
Chris Rutland from Pioneer Seeds is willing to chat with you about these options from Pioneer over the phone or for an on farm visit or speak to our agronomists Andy or Jeremy about weather canola is right for you this season.