Lablab is a high yielding forage that could be an option for this year's forage on your farm. This reliable legume is sown for grazing, forage conservation and as a nitrogen fixing sub-tropical break crop. Lalab produces a large amount of foliage with plentiful seeds. Lablab is easily established and drought tolerant making it a versatile choice for Southern Queensland.
Lablab is short lived as is the quality of the seed, but this is overcome by its high yield and foragability. Three grazings are still possible throughout the life of this plant and Lablab provides a non-bloating nutritious feed. Grazing prior to flowering will make for the greatest nutritional value. Its short life also enables it to have a greater resistance against being affected by weeds.
A study done in 2001 found that Lablab fixed 177kg N/ha making it a great legume to have on rotation both for forage and for the health of your paddocks1. Lablab is large seeded which allows it to be drilled at 5cm to 10cm into the soil. It provides a dense canopy which helps to break down materials that can harbor crown rot and other diseases and it is resistant to many such diseases.2
Lablab is great for building storage stores for summer and autumn. Give us a call or visit us in store to speak to our agronomists about weather Lablab is right the right forage choice for your farm.
Call us at (07) 4665 3366 or stop by the shop at 46Day Street Tara, QLD.
1.McDonald, L. and Wright, P. and MacLeod, D. April 2001 Nitrogen fixation by lablab (Lablab purpureus) and lucerne (Medicago sativa) rotation crops in an irrigated cotton farming system. v41, p219-225. Animal Production Science. 10.1071/EA99143.
2.GDRC. Bell, Lindsay. Likely fit of summer and winter forage crop options in Central West farming systems. 24th July 2015.