This winter it’s essential to clean out your coup to put down new warm bedding and to keep your chooks protected from illness. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you through the process:
1. Gather Your Supplies
Before you start, make sure you have the following supplies:
Broom and dustpan
Shovel or rake
Scrubbing brush
Hose with a spray nozzle or pressure washer
Cleaning solution (mild detergent or a specific poultry coop cleaner)
Disinfectant (one that is safe for use around chickens)
Protective gear (gloves, mask, and eye protection)
2. Remove the Chickens
Transfer your chickens to a safe temporary enclosure to keep them away from the cleaning and disinfecting process. Ensure they have access to food and water.
3. Remove All Bedding and Debris
Using a shovel or rake, remove all the bedding, manure, and any other debris from the coop. Pay special attention to corners and hard-to-reach areas.
4. Dust and Sweep
Sweep out any remaining dust and small debris with a broom. This helps to minimize the amount of dust that will be stirred up during the next steps.
5. Scrub Surfaces
Prepare a cleaning solution with mild detergent and water. Use a scrubbing brush to clean all surfaces, including walls, roosts, nest boxes, and floors. Pay special attention to areas with caked-on dirt or manure.
6. Rinse Thoroughly
Rinse all surfaces thoroughly with water using a hose or pressure washer. Ensure that all soap residue is removed, as it can be harmful to chickens.
7. Disinfect
Prepare a disinfectant solution according to the manufacturer's instructions. Apply the disinfectant to all surfaces, ensuring even coverage. Allow it to sit for the recommended time to effectively kill pathogens.
8. Rinse Again
After the disinfectant has had time to work, rinse the coop thoroughly with water to remove any remaining chemical residues. Chooks are sensitive to chemicals. It is worth taking your time with this step.
9. Dry the Coop
Allow the coop to dry completely before adding new bedding or reintroducing the chickens. Ventilation can help speed up this process. This is very important so as to avoid mildew and mold after adding the bedding.
10. Add Fresh Bedding
Once the coop is completely dry, add fresh, clean bedding. This can include straw, wood shavings, or other appropriate materials. We have quite a few options at Tara Rural Supplies and Condamine Seeds and Tyres.
12. Return the Chickens
Once the coop is clean, dry, and ready with fresh bedding return your chickens to their home.
Your chooks will love the clean, safe, and warm new coop. Happy and healthy chooks are productive chooks.